it didn’t even feel like playing hooky.

Yesterday, I didn’t go to work. There, I admitted it. I didn’t call in {cough, cough} sick. I just left a message on our work answering machine saying, “I won’t be in today.”


The impetus was a 1:30 meeting with one of my professors (Dr. E, if you’ve been reading the Dr. Liz blog), a meeting for which, at 7 a.m. yesterday, I was UTTERLY unprepared.

I had about 20 or so academic research articles to read (or, at the very least, SKIM) prior to that meeting.

I spent three hours at the library last night reading.

And so, for all but about 90 minutes yesterday afternoon when I zoned out on the couch watching a movie and an hour or so doing the same before bedtime, I literally spent ALL of yesterday reading.

I read articles, I read book chapters, I read more articles, and more articles… I probably read through (or skimmed) upwards of about 1000 printed pages of information yesterday. Seriously.

So, while I didn’t go to work, I felt like I spent the whole day working anyway. My mom asked me last night if I’d at least *learned* something…

and to that, I say a hearty, resounding YES. *Fascinating* stuff. More soon.

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