it just keeps getting weirder…

My brother, Robert/Bob/Rob/Roberto!/Bobby/George/”Hey You”, and I are trying very hard to reconcile the parents we always thought we knew with the people now inhabiting their house.

I mean, first my dad retired a few years ago. Both of us were in full agreement that that was cool.

Then, they went to Hawaii to visit my aunt & uncle. Again, no red flags.

When my mom decided to run for city council, some waves of incomprehension rolled in for a while. My parents have always followed local politics, but to be involved? Participating? Making decisions? Representing a constituency? It seemed a stretch in our minds.

Then came word that, after many trips to Hawaii, they had decided to buy a house there. I should note, once again, that I’m NOT COMPLAINING. However, this was a flying leap outside what either Roberto! and I had ever expected from them.

And finally, this morning, perhaps the most incredible, unbelievable, out-of-character revelation thus far was shared with me. My brother’s at home this weekend attending to some personal business, and he told me this morning my mom — are you sitting down for this? — expressed an interest in seeing Michael Moore’s film, “Fahrenheit 9/11,” *BEFORE* voting in this fall’s election.

I know few (if any) of you will be able to grapple with the fundamental shock both George and I felt when we heard this. However, take it from us — neither of us would have ever expected her to make a statement like that. Especially not two months before the election. It’s just … weird. Has an alien life force invaded our parents’ lives?

Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I’m just sayin’.

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