It’s finals week, and you know what that means.

Yup. Time to go to the theater! 🙂

Saturday night, we went to see “Wicked” at Fair Park with our friends Gary and Rachelle. As part of the now-defunct YAP book club some time ago, I tried to read the book on which the play is loosely based, and failed miserably. I could not get through the book. The play, on the other hand, was absolutely fabulous. It definitely makes you look at the story of the “Wizard of Oz” differently, and as we discovered when we tried to relay the plot line to Lisa, it’s impossible to make sense of the twists and turns unless you go see the play, I think. Anyway, I give it a big thumbs-up and recommend going to see it whenever and wherever you have the chance.

It’s also time for our annual trek to San Antonio for NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), which is part of Fiesta week there. Our trip there inconveniently overlaps with my due dates for final papers in my classes; we have a hotel room Thursday and Friday nights, and I have papers due Thursday and Friday. EEKS! So, Daniel’s going to drive down Thursday sometime relatively early, and I’m following later that night on the last possible Southwest flight out of Dallas. And, I may end up spending the day Friday holed up in our hotel room writing the second paper. I would rather not, but given my historic inability to finish papers early, it seems pretty likely.

Meanwhile, other parts of life are crazy, too, but there has been good news in the last week or so. My parents are bound for Hawaii today, planning to spend a little less than two weeks in breezy, sunny paradise. I very much wish I were going with them, but since this is their first post-tax season opportunity to actually spend time with one another, it’s probably best I’m not. 🙂

I also found out this week that I do, indeed, get to go to the University of Essex summer methods program in August to take what will probably be a critical course for me. They only picked four people (three in our program) to be fully funded for this trip, and the fact that I was one of them is no small source of pride for me. Yay, Liz!!!

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