just in case you thought I was being overly dramatic…

Yesterday I got my grubby little hands on a copy of the syllabus for a class I’m taking this semester, taught by one of Vanderbilt’s rock star professors. I’ve been (somewhat obnoxiously, I know) vocally distressing over what the reading load was going to be like, and I’m reasonably sure that most of the poor souls who were subjected to that thought I was just being hyperbolic or something.

Alas, no.

On the syllabus are excerpts or chapters from no fewer than FIFTY THREE (yes, 53!) books, as well as numerous journal articles to boot. It’s a wee bit insane.

I came home yesterday after getting the syllabus and set about the task of wading through my political science home library to see which of the 53 books I own. As of last night, that number stood at 20, I believe. Today I went and filled two very lamentable gaps in my personal collection, and so I am now in possession of 22 of the 53 books. The rest I’ll read in photocopy format.

And, mind you, this is just ONE CLASS, people.

Indeed, this is going to be a very, um, *interesting* semester. 🙂

Here’s a picture I snapped just to show you the 22 books I own. It takes up most of a single shelf of my bookshelves. Nice, eh?

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