no more “no-sweat zone” at work


In our staff meeting today, I found out some highly disturbing news.

a) Building maintenance staff recently dubbed our office thermostat “wall art.”
b) Our HVAC system has been added to some sort of automatic system that means it does what it wants when programmed to do so.
c) We can’t unplug from the automatic system.
d) One of my coworkers has acquired her own thermometer, and when it’s a comfortable 78 degrees in my office, it’s apparently downwards of 68-70 in her office. This has led her to don two jackets at once while working.
e) I wasn’t at work yesterday, and apparently her office wasn’t as cold as usual.

If you add all these facts together, there seem to be two solutions to my ongoing office-temperature problem:

1) Grin and bear it.*
2) No longer work in this particular office. This could manifest in my relocating (there are no open offices in our building) or leaving. I.e., quitting.

Seriously, it’s REALLY going to suck if I have to list on my next job application my reason for leaving my job that: “Office was too hot.”

And it would doubly suck if “they”** got their wish because I couldn’t take the heat (literally).

* Revisit the archives of this blog if you think this will work.

** “They” being those who conspire against me at work. So yes, Melissa, kinda like the “others” in LOST.

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1 Comment

  1. I am concerned as well. My office went from being FREEZING COLD to being warm. I don't mean tepid either, I mean WARM. All in less than an hour.

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