no need for the gym. I’ve got a backyard.


In the beautiful weather that pervaded yesterday, I got this crazy idea to clean out the backyard of all the wintertime debris that had accumulated — leaves, twigs, and other, less enjoyable (dog-related) stuff. So I grabbed a rake and went to work. An hour later, I had two great big bags full of acorns, leaves, and other crap (ha!) … and today, I’ve got the sore muscles to prove I busted my butt.

At my doctor’s appointment last Friday, Amy and I talked about the increasing levels of muscle and joint pain I’ve been having while doing any sort of activity (especially working out at the gym), and she recommended I take anywhere from two to six Aleve daily to relieve it. Today’s rude awakening was just the sort of kick start I needed to begin that regimen. I chased the Aleve with some glucosamine, another element of my “let’s fight the pain” regimen.

In the words of Garth Brooks, I offer up this mantra: “I’m much too young to feel this damn old.”

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