reading fast & furious

Tomorrow’s my (yap) book club meeting, and so I’m furiously attempting to finish the second half of this month’s book, “Wicked.” How telling is it that, after finding out I stayed home tonight and was reading, John was able to surmise the book club *must* be meeting tomorrow? lol

Anyway, I just read something in the book that inspired me to reflect a bit: Elphaba (the green-skinned girl who later becomes the Wicked Witch of the West we all know from the “Wizard of Oz”) has this notion that all people are “real,” but some of them are “realer” than others. One of the other characters, Fiyero, says, “I don’t believe in this concept of ‘real’ or ‘realer’ people.”

You sometimes hear someone described as “fake,” or (once) heard Miss Cleo talking about “keeping it real, mon.” But can one person be more or less real than another? Thoughts?

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