renewed enthusiasm

I think Matt’s good mood last night must have rubbed off on me. Today I’m feeling jazzed about life in general … but more importantly, I’m also feeling lots more enthusiastic about starting classes again than I have been in a year. Maybe my slacking over the summer really did serve to reenergize me for the fall?

Sarah and I were talking about this last night while she was orchestrating a moderate butt kicking at the gym. This time of year always seems energetic. Every fall as children, we go through the cycle of buying new clothes, notebooks and shoes, preparing to go back to school. As adults, it’s tough to shake the cycle; August rolls around and we somehow just feel like making a new beginning.

I see it all around me. There’s the growing number of people around me who are in various stages of twitterpation with someone they’ve recently met. Others have recently started new jobs or moved clear across the country to chase a dream. New friends abound. Obviously not all of these shifts have occurred in the last two weeks, but I just sense we’re all going through some level of change right now.

It looks as though my first week of my new presidency class will be spent looking at the Federal Convention debates of 1787 and the Federalist Papers (in other words, the genesis of the American presidency). As I reflect on the fact that I get excited just thinking about it, well, that’s when I know there’s a fine line between enthusiasm and insanity. So here’s my pledge to you all: I’ll do my best to keep my political rants on the enthusiastic side. 🙂

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