so many great things!

I am a bit overwhelmed this morning with the many great things in my life right now… so, let’s review, shall we?

  • Two weeks from today, Daniel and I will be proud new homeowners of a cute, charming house in Nashville! In fact, two weeks from today, we’ll be unpacking some of our stuff and settling in a bit before coming back to Texas to wrap up our lives here. Unbelievable!
  • I’m about six weeks away from starting at Vanderbilt, and things are coming together there, too. I’ve got my Vandy account set up (for e-mail, etc.), and just now I realized that means I already have access to their online (library) journals!! I know that may sound either incredibly boring or incredibly geeky, but given that they (clearly) have a much bigger social science journal budget than UTD, this means I have access to some more obscure (but critically helpful to my research) journals right now. Today! I am THRILLED! hehehe
  • We had a fantastic time in St. Louis last weekend with my family’s annual reunion, and hope to post pictures soon.
  • Moving to Nashville means we can once again have cheap and lightning fast Internet access! We’re thrilled about that — it means my Web site (and hence all of my blog pictures) and Outlook e-mail (associated with the domain name) will once again be reliable in just a few short weeks!
  • My summer 2 class is absolutely fantastic. I have a fun, energetic, outspoken, and engaged set of 23 students who are going to make the next four weeks absolutely fly by. I am already in love with them, and we’re only three days into the semester.
  • Last, but far from least, Daniel and I are experiencing something of a renaissance in our relationship. It was long needed and largely due to an outside force that I’ll not describe here, just acknowledge in the abstract as necessary and wonderful. I am so happy.

The future is looking very bright, and while we’re sad to be on the cusp of leaving so many people (and family members) who mean so much to us, we’re also very excited about starting this new chapter in our life and seeing where it takes us.

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