Super-size me? not hardly.

Last night I (finally) saw “Super Size Me,” the documentary by Morgan Spurlock chronicling his 30 days of eating nothing but food from the Golden Arches. It was *REALLY* good — very entertaining and informative, and alternatively hilarious and sickening. I’m of the opinion that it ought to be required reading for all kids and parents and people in general. If you haven’t seen it, get yourself to Blockbuster tout de suite!

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  1. After watching this with Liz I realized that I may be suffering from the fast food sickness. My life of late has been hectic enough that I do not want to cook so I have been eating fast food everyday. And the last few days I have had lots of headaches, tiredness ect. The movie was informative if not shocking at times and I felt that I MUST change my eatting habits today. (I had Mc’d two days later) 🙂 dam crack food! hmm "fast food" – "crack food" sounds similar!!!!

  2. I saw it at the Magnolia where they let you bring in food and alcohol. There weren't too many people there but the people watching had everything from big nachos to popcorn with butter to vodkas while watching the movie. It was a little amusing for that alone.

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