the incredible shrinking Liz, Christmas edition

Let’s be really clear and upfront about one thing: While I was in Mountain Home, my primary mode of exercise was following my mom around Wal-Mart (which, as it turns out, I’m *REALLY* good at!), and I ate total crap. The other day, I was a bit horrified to step outside myself for a second and realize I was eating Cookie Crisp for breakfast. Yesterday, I had a slice of cherry pie with some Cool Whip (fully leaded Cool Whip, at that) for breakfast. Suffice it to say, my embargo on simple sugars got completely tossed out the window for those 9 days I was at home.

And yet, inexplicably, I lost weight, roughly another 4 pounds or so.

Don’t ask me how, please. I’m choosing not to question. It’s really best not to question. Really.

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1 Comment

  1. Nicole says:

    God had His hand on you girl! Glad that Rags and you are ok. Cars can be fixed or new ones bought—not that is makes the deductible or the payments any easier—but you can't ever be replaced on this earth. Glad you are good.

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