things are progressing… one day at a time

It has been a while since I’ve written — since the day we came back from Nashville, in fact — but that’s exclusively attributable to the fact that we have been working insanely hard since the day we got back trying to get our house in Texas ready to sell. In the last month or so, we have completed a mind-numbing amount of work, but we’re still not quite ready to list the house … it’s exhausting and frustrating and yet somehow exciting, all at the same time.

Last Friday, we had our “We’re Moving — Please Buy Our Shit” yard sale, and it actually went quite well. We had hoped to get rid of most of the bigger items, with the secret ambition of not having to carry on a second day, and we got our wish. Hooray!

Anyway, we hope to list the house no later than April 21st or 22nd, before we go to San Antonio for NIOSA. To that end, we’ve recruited my parents to come down this weekend, and Daniel sent out an Evite to people who we thought might be willing to chip in a couple hours’ worth of work Saturday, in the hopes that we can knock out a substantial portion of our to-do list over the weekend. If you happened not to get the Evite and want to come power wash the deck or plant flowers, PLEASE, feel free to get in touch! 🙂

Daniel is in Nashville right now, and will be meeting tomorrow with the head of construction, the wiring/security guy, and the decorator to make our final selections. It feels surreal, particularly since now that he’s been able to drive by the lot, he says not a single thing has been done on the house yet and, if they wanted to start building tomorrow, they couldn’t because there’s one of those huge dumpster things where our house is going to be. That sorta sucks, but it does ease up a bit of pressure to get the house sold right away, since it’s not looking like we’re going to make our target closing date on the new house of July 22nd.

Holy crap. I cannot believe that’s only three months away. Sheesh.

Anyway, while Daniel’s off cavorting in Nashville and doing fun stuff, I am stuck back here in Texas doing really awful stuff … namely, grading damned papers. Ah yes, the work NEVER ends. I am telling you guys now … I am SO. FREAKING. TIRED. As I type this, it’s 11:40 p.m. and I’m sitting in my neglected cube at UTD, where no DIY projects, animals, or television can distract me. So what do I do? Blog, of course. 😉

Actually, I’m only writing because I just finished a batch of 15 more papers, and my brain is absolutely fried. Only 20 left. GOD SAVE ME. I will probably be here until 1-1:30 a.m. at the earliest (and we all know how well Liz does after 10 p.m. … ugh!), but I came here because that way I can leave the papers in my desk for pickup tomorrow, which means I don’t have to make another trip to campus tomorrow … leaving the whole day to paint and work on the house.

Well, it sounded like a brilliant idea two hours ago, anyway. hehehe

I should wrap this up. Just wanted to let you all know I’m alive, at least for now, and that we’re making progress. Hope you are enjoying the fact that your house isn’t under massive renovation and is, presumably, eminently more livable than is ours at present.

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