when memory is a family affair

Yesterday was my dad‘s birthday, an event that inspired this (in retrospect) hilarious chain of phone calls:

  • My Sunday call to my mom, to see if Pa Norell would be around on Monday so I could call with proper birthday wishes.
  • My Monday evening call to Pa Norell, to wish him a happy birthday and chat a bit.
  • My subsequent call to my brother, to remind him it was Pa Norell’s birthday. (George was thinking it was Feb. 17, not 7th, whoops!)
  • George’s subsequent call to Pa Norell to wish him a happy birthday.
  • My phone call to my mom to tell her George had forgotten Pa Norell’s birthday (which I found humorous). But, she didn’t answer, and I didn’t want to bother her by leaving a message.
  • My mom’s subsequent call to my brother, who she hadn’t heard from in a while — when she heard he’d called my dad to wish him a happy birthday, she called back to talk to him. He told her he’d forgotten Pa Norell’s birthday.
  • My mom’s Tuesday morning call to me while we were both en route to work to find out why I’d called the night before.

I dunno, but I’m thinking we all need to look into conference calling!

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