almost a homeowner.

Closing, while exceedingly bumpy, went through okay yesterday, and except for a few things that have either changed or were missed (that I have to sign presently* at the title company), the house is officially mine. What an ordeal!

This week has felt as long as two or three. (Weeks.) I’m so glad it’s essentially over.

We’re ringing in October by going to Scott’s wedding in Eureka Springs. Finally, I get to see the Thorncrown Chapel! Sad to say, but I’m a native Arkansan and I’ve never seen it. For shame, Liz, for shame!

Somehow, I talked Daniel into coming along. We’re staying at the Basin Park Hotel in downtown Eureka, which should be interesting. I’ve never stayed there, either … or anywhere, actually, on the little windy hill that’s Eureka’s claim to fame.

Anyway, I’m desperately looking forward to a little time out of town to relax and enjoy Daniel’s company.

And, it’ll be amusing/fun to see some of Scott’s friends and family again … the incomparable Clark, the delightful Posey, and two of my favorite adoptive parents, Jeanne and Gary.

Please note the correct use of the word “presently,” all. 🙂

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