deep breaths.

Luckily, I found out from UTD late last week that my full-tuition-and-fees scholarship also carries with it a not-insignificant rider of $745, anticipating that students who receive the full scholarship are taking a full load and probably not working full-time. The money’s supposed to be for health insurance.

Since I’m absolutely crazy — which is the point of this post, and I’ll come to that in a minute — I AM working, and indeed will be working full time this fall throughout my virgin semester in my doctoral program. But I was nevertheless muchos relieved to find out about the $745 because that’s approximately how much, when it’s all said and done, I will have spent on books for my three classes this fall.

I got an e-mail from UTD this morning saying they had cut my refund check for the $745 minus the $10 property deposit (an ancient fee TWU eliminated this year — time for UTD to do so, too, I’d guess), and that it was ready for pickup in the Bursar’s office. YIPPEE!

I took off work about 30 minutes early today to go pick that up and check on the status of my books at the campus bookstore. I have already made two reconnaissance trips to the bookstore this month to get ISBNs for what’s there. However, one of my classes — the one that starts {gulp} THIS Saturday, actually — had a copy pack that was originally priced at $165, but that hadn’t yet turned up on either of my reconnaissance missions.

It was there today, and (the gods were smiling on me) it had actually been reduced in price to $135. I never thought that would sound like a bargain … but, well, that’s academia for you, always readjusting your sense of normalcy.

I discovered, while waiting at an interminable red light on my way home, that the copy pack actually has the course syllabus in the front of it. How handy is that?!

I’ve just thumbed through it in its entirety, including matching up my five other textbooks and the contents of the copy pack with the syllabus. And let me just say, this SINGLE COURSE will easily challenge me more than any combination of three or four classes COMBINED challenged me throughout my MLS at TWU. Or, for that matter, my master’s in journalism at Arkansas.

My fears have just been realized, folks: This is going to be insanely hard. Or, perhaps, just insane. 🙂

Deep breaths.

PS: I’m trying very hard not to think about the fact that materials or guidance for next Tuesday’s class hasn’t yet materialized in the bookstore. I still have another class’s worth of books to locate and purchase. EEKS!

PPS: If, at any time in the next four months, you wonder where I’ve disappeared to, let me preemptively say that I will probably have my nose in a book for the vast majority of my non-work, non-class waking hours. And maybe some of those, too.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's going to be insane, no doubt about it. But it's not going to be anything that you can't handle, Liz. Just remember to come up for air every now and then. :o)

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