Extraneous political polls

Courtesy o’ Newsweek:

Leave the matter of who’s going to win in November to other media outlets. PERI brings you the polls that really matter: 25% of singles say they’d volunteer for a campaign to meet someone of the opposite sex (Match.com). They should try this first-date question: If the candidates were dogs, what kind would they be? The majority saw George W. Bush as a Rottweiler and John Kerry as a poodle (Bank One). But forget the current candidates: Which toy would you vote for? 44% would elect G.I. Joe; 14% prefer the teddy bear (Mega Bloks).

Maybe Joe’s not a bad way to go. Face it — politicans aren’t always popular. 91% of people said they would not want to have drinks with a candidate (Caravello Limoncello). Maybe it’s because they’re sweaty. Americans think politicans are the second sweatiest profession; stock traders are No. 1.

We know what you’re asking: How does this all relate to TV? When it comes to comedies, Republicans are most likely to tune in to “Everybody Loves Raymond”; Dems prefer “Will & Grace” (Initiative Media Worldwide). And, apparently, “American Idol.” Nearly as many Democrats respect Simon Cowell as much as they do Bush (DYMO). And while voters believe Bush would beat Kerry on “Survivor,” the majority say Bill Clinton would outlast them all (Bass Beer). The tribe has spoken.

– Elise Soukup

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1 Comment

  1. You simply have to love those bean counters 🙂

    In new Zealand statistics are never this exciting, but then I suppose that when the total population has only just crept up to the 5 million mark we are still all so closely related that we think alike….as if!

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