ground rules

I’ve been at this whole blog thing for about a month now, and the response has been outstanding. Compliments filtering in and stats on my repeat traffic suggest I’ve managed to assemble random thoughts that y’all find amusing, interesting, or otherwise worth your time to watch.

In the last few days, though, several people have said something to me along the lines of, “Don’t put this on your blog.” It struck me as notable when more than one person said it, so indulge me for a moment while I define some ground rules:

1) If there’s any discussion initiated here about, um, “dry spells,” I promise it will either be about my own or started by someone else in a comment. I have no intention of sharing intimate details of your lives — and precious little inclination to share my own, frankly.

2) Pictures posted here will be ones without people (e.g., Bay photos) or ones with me in them. If I want to put up one with other people, I’ll make an effort to ask first.

3) I will use whatever language I want. (My mom thinks I’m displaying too much of a “potty mouth.”) If you don’t like my word choice, um, too bad.

4) You won’t see me griping about specific people here. I’d appreciate it if we all kept discussion related to the crazies to a minimum. They have Internet connections, too. 🙂

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  1. Personally, I think we can — and should — display our potty mouths about whatever strikes our fancy. So go to it, Julie! Vent away! 🙂

  2. Can we potty mouth about ourselves? I mean, what happens if I simply don't like how my hair turned out. Can I make those catty remarks about how crappy it sticks up or the lack thereof?

    This is fun.

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