I’m no Einstein…

… but I have sat on his lap.

That’s right, I finally managed to stump everyone — those who answered, and those who were too scared to register a guess — with this week’s Monday morning trivia question.

Let’s review:

Of the following DC experiences, which is the only one I can truthfully say I’ve done?

A) Visit the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
B) Study in the Library of Congress’s famous Reading Room
C) Sit in Einstein’s lap (at a statue along Constitution Avenue) to pose for a picture
D) Climb the Georgetown staircase that appeared in The Exorcist
E) Attend the July 4 fireworks on the Mall

The correct answer was (C), posing for a picture while sitting in Einstein’s lap at the statue along Constitution Avenue.

The other four choices are things I’ve never done in my years of time in DC:

A) Hope Diamond — and frankly, I’ve never cared enough to see it.

B) I know, I know, BAD FORM, LIZ. In fact, I only went inside the LOC for the first time EVER last summer, and that was for a work-related photo shoot.

D) I have driven by the stairs a hundred times, but never climbed them. They’re at the very northern edge of Georgetown (the neighborhood, not the university) and quite a hike just to get to them, not to mention actually climbing them. But I’d like to. Maybe this summer?!

E) I desperately wanted to see the fireworks on the Mall once while at GW, but my annual family reunion falls on the weekend closest to July 4th. I’m too scared to miss the reunion — that’s just asking for trouble, especially when your mom’s the ringleader. So, I’ve never been in DC on Independence Day, though I’d really like to see it one day. At one time, I even had an “in” with someone in the Freedom Forum building across the Potomac and could have watched from the rooftop! D’oh! (I just hope my family realizes the sacrifices I make for them! 😉

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