someone’s got a case of the “Fridays”

Seriously, I *love* Fridays. Everything just feels better on a Friday… I have far more patience and much more of a spring in my step.

And, at least today, I get lots more done because of it.

Call it a fluke; chalk it up to my entirely taboo denim capris (which I wore in spite of our understood office ban on all bottoms made of denim); or blame it on my lack of meetings today. Whatever the cause, I’ve managed — even though I was attempting to go for quiet, peaceful, deliberate day — to get a buttload of crap done at work today.

I stayed home yesterday to shuffle various members of the zoo around. Zoe went to the Plano Animal Shelter to get spayed (snip snip); she was a little shaky but otherwise just fine last night. She sprawled out on Rags’s bed in the living room, which he didn’t seem to mind so much, since she wasn’t darting around teasing him. Rags went to Petsmart for his monthly day at the “spa,” getting a bath, a nail trim, and other various grooming things done (which I shall refrain from describing lest you all get queasy).

Anyway, even though I could have easily refrained from anything bordering on the productive during my zoo-shuffling day, I actually got a ton of work done then, too. I camped out on the couch with my laptop, let Daniel take control of the remote, and paid background levels of attention to the TV most of the day while I tap-tap-tapped on my laptop, resizing photos like a demon and getting a couple of big ol’ projects for the woman sitting at the top of our “power tower” done before her assistant comes asking after them. It was *fantastic* … if this is any indication what my Mondays will be like this fall, then I daresay I will be seeing my overall work productivity *rising*, not falling, once classes begin.

And in other work-related/productivity/exciting news, I’ve got three interviews scheduled next week (and possibly two more) for a new student assistant for the fall. This semester, I’ve learned from my virgin experience last spring and asked for writing samples upfront (those have been instrumental), as well as tried very hard to find a few strong candidates who can start the week of Aug. 15 (so I have some time to train them) and who can also be present most of the time I’m absent due to my classes throughout the semester. I think amongst the 3-5 candidates who’ve bubbled to the top, at least on paper, I could easily choose any and be very satisfied. But, I’m really eager to meet them and incorporate the personality x-factor into my matrix. At any rate, I’m really confident I will have a new assistant next week at this time!!

So… I didn’t go to lunch today (just snacked on a little Weight Watchers lasagna thing) and now I’m going to take off work an hour early. Sounds like thunder outside; maybe it’ll cool down for me tonight! 🙂

I plan to take it easy this weekend; more on Monday, my friends!

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