Welcome To Limbo!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s indisputably that I don’t really cope well with being in limbo. The in-between moments are where life is lived, but no matter how much I tell myself this, I nevertheless feel itchy and restless in the in-between bits. Even with my greatly increased maturity-inspired patience, I am coming to understand that my dislike for The Limbo is far from gone.

Rationally, I understand why Limbo is necessary; what’s more, I logically understand that forcing the issue, hence getting myself out of the Limbo, is tactically unwise given my long-term goals. Still. In the last few weeks, I’ve had this growing and nagging sense of … suboptimality. Frustration/negativity/displeasure, those are all too strong. I’m none of them. I just recognize that life will be better outside of The Limbo, and because I’m Liz, I sometimes struggle with letting things just come… y’know, whenever.

What’s worse? Because I have no idea how long The Limbo will actually last, I don’t know if the right strategy is to assume it’s a semi-permanent state and pretend the change will never happen, or to hope it’s a fleeting state and bide my time until the change arrives. The path forward for each mindset is drastically different, so Planner Liz has no fucking idea how to cope.

There’s the real rub. I’m logical enough to identify problems and seek solutions, but when you can’t identify the actual problem, what’s a girl in limbo to do?

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  1. Well, at least you're asking the right questions as the right time. It's a beautiful spring! Time to start new hobbies and get that spring cleaning done. Throw out all the old stuff weighing you down and rejuvenate your spirit. You have fans rooting for you, just remember to keep us updated!

  2. Thanks, mathematikoi. 🙂
    Say, do I know you?

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