inspiring the over-50 crowd at IHOP

I met a friend for dinner tonight at IHOP in Smyrna, and apparently we made quite an impression on the people who were sitting in the booth behind us. We were having a wide-ranging conversation about politics, religion, and life in general (for example, for a while the age-old “to have kids or not to have kids?” question figured prominently). Anyway, about halfway through our marathon conversation, the woman behind us came over to the table and said something akin to this (my memory failed to capture her exact words, but this is the jist): “We couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and just wanted to say how terrific we think it is that two young people can have such an informed discussion of issues. We’re older, in our 50s, and it’s really great to see young people who pay attention.”

So, there you go… inspiring the over-50 crowd at IHOP! Awesome! I was so flattered that she stopped by.

Incidentally, I went to IHOP specifically to get breakfast-for-dinner, and struggled mightily to find an option that didn’t include pancakes, given my aversion to pancakes (borne of the Great Snowstorm of 1999, ugh). And then, when they brought out the food, I had a very nice short stack of two pancakes with my food. D’oh! I did eat them (well, most of them), but with a minimum of syrup to contain the texture issue. That experiment was only moderately successful, I’m sorry to say. :/

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