one helluva complicated day.

A ton of crap happened today. Namely:

– I did an inspired job on my data analysis midterm. I mean, I TOTALLY kicked that test’s ass. I was the first one in my class of 16 or so done, prompting my professor (who had adjourned to his office while we took the open-book, open-note exam) to remark, “You have the distinction of being the first one done,” to which I replied, “Let’s hope that proves fruitful for me, eh?” (He’s Canadian, btw.)

– My blood pressure was at a level acceptable to Amy, my PA, for the first time today since I started seeing her. Namely, it was at a comfy 116/83. There was much happiness over that discovery, and I left her office today without scheduling a follow-up appointment for the first time in probably two years.

– I told Carolyn about my spring schedule, and we had a very lengthy, but reasonably upbeat, discussion about my job. More on this later.

– Our landlord went over to the old house on Seabrook today. She called me when she was on her way over, and left me a voicemail apologizing for running a bit late, hoping that didn’t prove to be an inconvenience. RIIIIIIGHT. Daniel actually ended up meeting her at the house (mostly by happy accident/coincidence), and promised her we’d have things more cleaned up than they are now by the end of the weekend. SO. Guess what I’ll be doing Sunday? 🙂

I’ve got more, but I’m hungry and am going to figure out something for dinner. Will regale you with more chatty stories soon, though, promise!

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